
Disciplined Growth Investors (DGI) offers Balanced Growth portfolio management.

This strategy is offered both in the form of a separately managed account (SMA) and a commingled mutual fund, The Disciplined Growth Investors Fund (Ticker: DGIFX). A minimum of $15 million of assets managed is required for a SMA. Custodial services for a SMA are selected by the client separately and are not offered by DGI. The standard fee schedule for a SMA is a flat rate of 1%. Fees are quoted on an annualized basis, but are billed quarterly. Relationships greater than $25 million are negotiated individually. A complete list of all composites is available upon request. The mutual fund prospectus contains important information and can be found at

Balanced Growth Portfolio Report


Diciplined Growth Investors
150 South Fifth Street, Suite 2550 Minneapolis, MN 55402.
Phone: 612-317-4100